Collaborative law can help ease divorce stress

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2017 | Collaborative Family Law |

A newer method of resolving marital issues was recently discussed in a news article. Collaborative law, as it is known, allows individuals to work together with lawyers, mental health professionals and financial advisers (among other professionals) to reach an end-of-marriage solution with greater control of the process. This option is available to residents of Florida and may appeal to people for a variety of reasons.

Since individuals work together with the soon-to-be ex-spouse, the collaborative process gives individuals more control than turning the matter over to a family court. The parties agree to work together and not take the case to court. By consulting with several types of professionals, the workload is spread out and keeps costs lower.

When a person chooses the litigation route, court fees and additional attorney fees may apply that make the proceedings more expensive. Since court records are public, the case will not be private. With the collaborative option, the matter is kept out of the courts, and nothing except the final judgment will be a matter of public record. With the other option as well, the individuals have more control over the times and dates of the meetings.

A cooperative process can also help maintain a respectful and viable relationship with the former spouse, especially important if children are involved. Collaborative law is appealing to many divorcing parents for this reason. Every person’s needs are different, however, so for some the more traditional litigation method may be needed. Individuals in Florida who are considering divorce may wish to consult with a family law attorney to explore their options.

Source:, “What Is A Collaborative Divorce, And How Can It Reduce Divorce Stress?”, Kevin J. Chroman, Dec. 6, 2017

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