Victim of domestic abuse rescued by love of a dog

On Behalf of | Jun 4, 2018 | Domestic Violence |

Dogs are man’s best friend. In a recent case in Florida a dog proved to be a woman’s best friend too. A woman in an abusive relationship was able to use her boyfriend’s affection for their dog to escape her situation. The woman, a victim of domestic abuse, convinced her boyfriend the dog needed to see the vet. The three of them set off to the vet together.

While at the vet’s office, the woman managed to slip a note to a staff member asking for help. The note said her boyfriend was abusing her and had a gun. The note requested that the staff not tell the boyfriend about the note. The authorities were called and the boyfriend was arrested. He faces charges of aggravated assault with a firearm and false imprisonment.

The woman reported that she had been beaten two days earlier. The assault happened in the house she shared with her boyfriend. The officers investigated and found bullet holes in the home.

Domestic abuse is a serious crime in Florida that can leave its victims feeling trapped. The victim may fear retribution from the abuser if he or she attempts to flee, and it can take courage to attempt to escape from the situation. The woman in the above case displayed courage and resolve in finding a possible escape. Even after escaping, a victim may not feel safe but there are shelters available for safe havens, and attorneys experienced in dealing with cases of domestic violence may also be able to render assistance.

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