Can you avoid mandatory financial disclosures during divorce?

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2023 | Divorce |

If you have friends or relatives who have ended their marriages, you probably know going through a divorce can be a long and expensive proposition. It does not have to be, though. Indeed, if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse opt for an uncontested divorce, you can probably save a great deal of time and money.

Ordinarily, divorcing spouses have an obligation to make certain financial disclosures to each other and to the court. This might make you feel uneasy, as finances can be a deeply personal matter. Luckily, if you opt for an uncontested divorce, you might be able to avoid the mandatory financial disclosure requirement.

Mandatory disclosures

According to Florida law, divorcing spouses typically have an obligation to file a financial affidavit with the court. To ensure each spouse knows about the other’s finances, the law also requires mandatory disclosure of the following documents:

  • Tax returns
  • Pay records, including pay stubs
  • Bank and credit card statements
  • Mortgages and lease agreements
  • Retirement and other investment account statements
  • Deeds

Compiling this information can take a great deal of time, of course. You also might have to pay for some required records. Likewise, your financial affidavit becomes part of your divorce record.

Your options

If you and your husband or wife have come up with a plan for dividing all marital assets, you can probably have an uncontested divorce. You also might be able to waive the mandatory disclosure requirement and avoid filing a financial affidavit, ensuring your financial information remains private.

Ultimately, if you are reluctant to disclose intimate financial details, exploring the possibility of proceeding with an uncontested divorce might be advisable.

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