Divorce can provide a productive reshuffling

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2017 | Collaborative Family Law |

Most people will experience a life-changing event at least once in their lifetime. For many, a divorce changes their lives in dramatic ways. Whether they choose a collaborative approach, or whether the dissolution is adversarial, divorced people will contend with similar lifestyle changes and issues. Some experts think that one can adjust more readily to the challenges of post-divorce lifestyle with just a few minutes per day of focused activity. Florida folks facing the end of their marriage may take comfort in learning about strategies to improve their lives after a breakup. 

After the separation is the perfect time to focus on self-care. By allotting as few as five minutes a day to meditation, exercise or clothes, a person can start to pick the pieces back up and embrace one’s new life. Another important area of focus will be personal finances. Since the financial situation is likely to have changed, a person should examine bank accounts, budgets, and spending habits to ensure that the new adjusted income can meet the needs of the person. 

Reaching out to a support network is also suggested for help fulfilling emotional and physical needs. Individuals are encouraged to go out, and to change surroundings for a bit to get fresh energy into their lives. When one does return to the homeplace, decluttering can be a helpful stress reliever.

A divorce experience is different for every person. It can be long or short, complicated or simple, friendly or fiery — depending on the circumstances. Professionals are available to help with the legal details of ending a marriage, because tending to every aspect can get complicated. But for folks in Florida who are able to pair experienced legal assistance with self-care advice, the end of the marriage can be handled responsibly and with expectations for new and rewarding experiences.  

Source: The Huffington Post, “How You Can Change Your Post-Divorce Life In Just Five Minutes Per Day“, Vikki Ziegler, Aug. 30, 2017

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