Child Custody

How can you build a strong coparenting relationship?

After your divorce, you and your ex may decide to share parenting responsibilities. With this arrangement, you may spend time with your children when they are not with your former spouse. Co-parenting after a separation or divorce can be challenging. With commitment...

Approaching child custody as a father

If you have kids and want to end your marriage, it is particularly important to focus on child custody matters. Sometimes, parents can work together and handle custody issues in an amicable manner. In other instances, a bitter dispute can arise, and some fathers might...

Co-parenting after divorce

Florida residents fall in love, get married and start families that they intend to nurture and love into adulthood and beyond. Regardless of the intentions, many families break up via divorce while the children are still very young. Parents, by the very nature of...

Preventing child custody issues at school

Some parents find themselves struggling to co-parent with a partner after ending a marriage. Once the child custody decision is finalized, the parents could have a difference of opinion in how it is implemented or one parent could choose to ignore the order entirely....

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