Month: May 2020

Healthy steps to take after ending a marriage

Florida residents and others who are going through the divorce process may be experiencing a variety of emotions. While it isn't uncommon to feel angry, hurt or depressed after a relationship ends, there are things that people can do to keep their mental health...

Considerations for young spouses with student debtc

Florida is known as a retirement state, but it is also home to many people in their 20s and 30s, a lot of whom have large amounts of student debt and who are nowhere near retirement. Student debt is always stressful, but it can be especially worrisome to the spouses...

How education impacts divorce rates

Research has found that age and education are the two most important factors in determining if a marriage will last. As a general rule, Florida residents and others who have gone to college earn more money per year than those who have not graduated from college....

Why and how to create an estate plan

Many people in Florida may not have an estate plan. Without one, the state will decide what happens to a decedent's assets. An estate plan can also make the time after a person's death less difficult for family members. An estate plan is not something that can be done...

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