Divorce is typically an emotional time in a person’s life. People do not typically enter into a marriage in Florida with the intent to divorce, and if children are involved the proceedings can be that much more difficult. There is a move toward a better way that involves what is known as a collaborative divorce.
In a collaborative divorce each party has his or her own attorney but also has a team of professionals to advise on things such as finances, child support and custody and other issues. Included in this group may be a collaboration coach. One advantage to the collaborative process is that discussions take place among everyone on the team rather than the attorneys having to go back and forth acting on behalf of the principals. A collaborative divorce coach can help keep the process moving forward.
A divorce coach can help keep discussions on track and encourage a break if things get too heated. He or she may also be of help if one party is more in need of support than the other. Often the decision to divorce is mutual and so there may be a shared desire to quickly arrive at an agreement. Where this is not the case, the coach can be of use in supporting the reluctant party and assisting him or her with arriving at a settlement that is fair and equitable to all the parties involved.
Divorce in Florida is seldom entered into lightly. In an amicable divorce the benefits to a collaborative process are many and can include a faster settlement and sometimes a less costly settlement. A collaborative divorce coach can contribute to a positive outcome by helping to keep the parties on track and helping to quickly resolve issues as they arise.