How long does an uncontested divorce take in Florida?

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2023 | Divorce |

The stress of a divorce can push a person to try to get the process over as fast as possible. When mates can mutually agree on alimony, child support, visitation and the division of debt, an uncontested divorce is possible.

Still, the procedure is a legal one that requires some time and effort. Also, an uncontested divorce may not be a wise decision, even for couples that mostly agree.

How long an uncontested divorce takes

An uncontested divorce means that the spouses agree on the central issues and do not require a judge to settle matters. The process takes approximately a month at a minimum. However, a six-week to two-month period is common.

Once a couple files for divorce, Florida requires a waiting period of 20 days. The length of this waiting period depends on the date of the final court hearing. If the court has a busy schedule, the family may have to wait longer than the minimum of 20 days, which is typical.

Florida’s simplified divorce procedure

The state has an arrangement to expedite a legal separation. Certain factors may allow for a simplified divorce, including:

  • Both spouses relinquish the right to a trial and appeal.
  • Both spouses appear at the final hearing together.
  • Both spouses willingly sign the divorce petition.
  • Neither spouse wants alimony.
  • Spouses agree on the separation of assets and debts.
  • The couple has no minor children, and neither spouse is pregnant at the time of the divorce.

Additionally, at least one of the parties must have at least six months of residence in Florida.

An uncontested divorce can be optimal. However, both parties should carefully consider the consequences. A person may end up with regrets if a financial agreement proves unfavorable or if the individual did not have all the facts.

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