Shared child custody typically in the best interest of kids

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2018 | Child Custody |

An individual facing divorce proceedings may have questions about how to handle parenting with the soon-to-be ex. During this time, emotions run high, and it can be a challenge to make decisions about how to move forward. For many, a shared child custody plan will be a solution that is both in the child’s best interest, and this notion is supported by evidence. In Florida, many parents choose shared custody after a divorce.

Research shows that children tend to perform better and have better outcomes when they are able to have a healthy relationship with both parents. This is why many judges and state laws are moving toward joint custody as the primary option when two parents separate. There are exceptions to this approach, such as in cases of abuse or neglect, or when there is no prior relationship with the parent. In those circumstances, a sole custody solution may make the most sense.

Some outdated beliefs about custody are being challenged. It was previously thought that having two homes negatively impacts children, but many adult children report that the movement between homes was worth it in order to see both parents. Even in high-conflict divorce situations, the child’s time with both parents was able to minimize the negative impact of the conflict. Some used to think that shared custody was appropriate only for parents who were able to work together without conflict, but recent research shows that it can work even if there are some disagreements.

In Florida, child custody agreements are a typical part of a divorce settlement. Many parents wish to preserve their ability to interact with and parent their children. In pursuit of this wish, many will choose to enlist the aid of an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney.

Source: bransontrilakesnews.comm, “Avoid the woozles and zombies of shared parenting”, Michelle Jones, Feb. 13, 2018

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