Domestic Violence
Whether you are a victim of domestic violence or accused of such abuse, you are facing an extremely confusing and frightening situation. It is a circumstance that requires an immediate response and careful handling. The attorneys at Reed Law have extensive experience helping couples resolve domestic and family violence issues. We have in-depth understanding of how to obtain a domestic violence injunction. We also have extensive experience defending against frivolous injunction petitions.
What A Domestic Violence Injunction Can Accomplish
Florida provides protection for victims of spousal abuse by authorizing courts to enter domestic violence injunctions. Such injunctions ban those accused of domestic violence from contacting victims or approaching their residence, place of employment and children’s school or day care.
An injunction can serve other purposes as well, such as providing temporary support and timesharing with the child or children. It can also grant one party exclusive possession of a joint residence. The court can also order an alleged batterer to attend programs such as substance abuse counseling.
Finally, an injunction can ban an alleged batterer from keeping firearms. Such protection may be just what is required for victims to keep themselves and their children safe.
Fighting Against Unwarranted Injunction Orders
For those facing allegations of domestic violence, measures such as protective orders and domestic violence injunctions can sometimes be unwarranted. The consequences can also be overwhelming. Individuals lose jobs or their government security clearance due to false accusations of domestic abuse. Members of the military can face disciplinary charges and possible dishonorable discharge from the service. In certain circumstances, an accused individual may be prevented from seeing his or her children.
It is important to have experienced representation on your side during such situations. In most circumstances, accusations of domestic violence require an immediate response, with little time to prepare for hearings.
Our lawyers can think on their feet and prepare you the best possible defense for you. As attorney Kimberly D. Reed was a prosecutor, we understand all aspects of these cases and know how to best respond to allegations.
Compassionate Attorneys To Assist You
To contact our Panama City office to set up a consultation with an experienced lawyer, please call Reed Law. We regularly provide representation in Bay, Gulf, Washington, Jackson, Calhoun, Holmes, Walton and Okaloosa counties.